Lleytons law firm is specialised in international law practices worldwide and provides an innovative and tailored service. The development and implementation of its "TIAE" model (Spanish acronym which means Time, Certainty, Profitability and Empathy), ensures that our services are accurate, timely, and nuanced, while our approach to clients support allows us to maintain a personal and open relationship with them. Being a firm with a global reach, we feel that this aspect of Lleytons is of particular note, as the large amount of legal territories we cover does not hinder our unique knowledge and specialist expertise of each, which can then in turn be passed on to the client.Every great brand has a heart and every big company has its reason. International Private Law has been our passion from the beginning. And it was the reason for creating Lleytons. In fact, to this day, it is one of the keys to success for our clients: our passion for International Law.In word and deed, our law firm wants to be a major reference for clients seeking to expand internationally and develop its business anywhere in the world, by helping clients achieve business results through stellar legal advice. Because we really strive to dispel the boundaries and overcome the legal obstacles that clients find in local and international markets.We are Lleytons.