Behnam Bagheri

Deputy of Finance at Iran Transfo Corporation - Tehran, , Iran

Behnam Bagheri's Contact Details
Iran Transfo Corporation
Behnam Bagheri's Company Details
Iran Transfo Corporation logo, Iran Transfo Corporation contact details

Iran Transfo Corporation

Tehran, , Iran • 1001 - 5000 Employees
Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing

Iran Transfo Corporation was established in 1966 under license of Siemens-Germany as a manufacturer of oil -immersed distribution, Medium and Large power transformers with the primary objective of designing, calculating and manufacturing of all type of transformers according to the international Standards of IEC76 & VDE 0532. Construction of the transformer plant was started in Zanjan for design and manufacturing of oil-immersed Distribution, Medium and Large Power transformers in 1976. Iran Trnsfo has been became Group of manufactures Including three factories and is set 13 companies.

Details about Iran Transfo Corporation
Frequently Asked Questions about Behnam Bagheri
Behnam Bagheri currently works for Iran Transfo Corporation.
Behnam Bagheri's role at Iran Transfo Corporation is Deputy of Finance.
Behnam Bagheri's email address is *** To view Behnam Bagheri's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Behnam Bagheri works in the Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing industry.
Behnam Bagheri's colleagues at Iran Transfo Corporation are Rasoul Mehri, Mohsen Gol, Mehdi Yousefi, F Talebi, Nafiseh Naserbakht, Hadi Davoudi, Mehdi Bayat and others.
Behnam Bagheri's phone number is ["310174522600"]
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