Técnico I+D en Proyectos y Comunicación at Care Applications, S.L.U. - Alcoi, Valencian Community, Spain
Established in early 2015, Care Applications was born out of a passion for creating a company that cares about the product, cares about the environment, cares about the customer and cares of the people who work in the garment processing industry.The Care Applications team has extensive practical experience in garment processing, including garment washing, garment dyeing and more latterly in research and development of new finishes and machinery. The Care Applications team are now bringing their practical know-how to bear to develop unique accessories for the garment processing industry. These developments are designed to optimize and modernize existing garment washing and garment dyeing machinery thus bringing improvements and versatility at reduced cost.Products:º ECOFinishº CLOSE-Nº COTROL-BOXOther services:•Consultation on garment processing methods, documentation, recipes, etc •Training courses, seminars and conferences •Dyehouse and Laundry productivity and quality auditing•Dyehouse and Laundry layout planning•Quality and bulk production problem solving•Product development and research on new finishes for garment processing •Creation of garment finishing trend collections•Designing, prototyping and costing of customised machinery projects