The London Asbestos Support Awareness Group provides practical and emotional support for anyone affected by mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases across London, Essex and Kent.Our advice & support is free: 0808 278 251ADVICE & SUPPORTOur Support Workers are very experienced in supporting sufferers of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases and understand the impact such diseases have on individuals and their families, both physically and psychologically. They are also knowledgeable about state benefits and compensation schemes and maintain close liaison with other key professionals in the care of the sufferer and their families.HOME VISITSOur team are available to visit individual sufferers in the comfort of their own home or can be contacted by telephone, to assist with paperwork and provide ongoing support and guidance.ADVICE & SUPPORTOur Support Workers are very experienced in supporting sufferers of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases and understand the impact such diseases have on individuals and their families, both physically and psychologically. They are also knowledgeable about state benefits and compensation schemes and maintain close liaison with other key professionals in the care of the sufferer and their families.HOME VISITSOur team are available to visit individual sufferers in the comfort of their own home or can be contacted by telephone, to assist with paperwork and provide ongoing support and guidance.SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGSWe hold monthly support group meetings across London and the South East for sufferers and their carers to meet others undergoing the same experience.Our experienced staff, together with special guest speakers and other professionals will be available to provide information, advice or a listening ear in a safe and private environment.We will always have a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) available to answer any questions about your treatment plan or symptoms