IgniteD2K uses proprietary technology to continuously find high value customers and prospects in real time. The IgniteD2K Platform monitors the entire digital ecosystem and open web to identify measurable relevant consumer intent and purchasing propensities down to physical addresses and seamlessly match them to specific companies, products, brands or services. Moving beyond social, search and predictive modeling Demand Generation, IgniteD2K is able to provide clients Real Time Demand Identification, delivered either as a DaaS solution, or embedded in existing Digital Commerce, CRM, SFA or Marketing Automation solutions. The origin of our "Intent to Business" approach was not simply the availability of petabytes of data and new technologies to manipulate them. Rather, it was the desire to be able to specifically answer a set of critical questions repeatedly asked of us by C- level executives everywhere- Who will buy our product or service today, tomorrow, next week, next month and next quarter? Why? When? Where? How? How much? Answering these questions requires pushing beyond the current limits of big data compiling and static predictive analytics. At ID2K we turn big data into fast data, and fast data into "smart data" – seamlessly, on demand. Using proprietary algorithms that incorporate specific life events, it's possible to evolve streaming data into knowledge that becomes "the pulse of the planet" when it comes to the daily purchase intentions of 250 million consumers.