BlueScope Properties Group (BPG) offers more than the traditional developer. We're valued for our full-service approach, including site selection, land acquisition, facility specifications, permitting, and construction through to ownership.Our access to capital is different from that of some traditional developers that need outside investors to put a deal together. BPG is a subsidiary of BlueScope Steel Limited (ASX:BSL), a publicly-traded company headquartered in Australia. We have a strong balance sheet and the capital available to fund developments internally. No special credit facilities are needed.BlueScope Properties Group's connection to the Butler Manufacturing and Varco Pruden Builder Networks puts more than 2,000 contractors at your disposal. Utilizing a team with local knowledge and expertise results in better buildings and lower total cost of ownership.We are building on a long-standing and proven history. BlueScope Buildings has 100 years of experience in designing, detailing and fabricating engineered building solutions, ensuring a trusted end product. Whether you are a current or new customer looking for an integrated development solution, you can be sure that we are motivated by developing and maintaining long-term relationships that are mutually beneficial.