Event Producer at Intrado / Video Editor at CTBUH Chicago - Chicago, Illinois, United States
CTBUH Chicago, is a local chapter of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, an international not-for-profit organization supported by architecture, engineering, planning, development and construction professionals, designed to facilitate exchanges among those involved in all aspects of the planning, design, construction and operation of tall buildings. Founded in 1969, the Council's mission is to disseminate multi-disciplinary information on tall buildings and sustainable urban environments, to maximize the international interaction of professionals involved in creating the built environment, and to make the latest knowledge available to professionals in a useful form.Please read our bylaws below: https://ctbuh-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/chicago_ctbuh_org/EdIJsSM2yqVKo8szNQhBdTcB_STJ2v0JNjgIXdUI7-djdA?e=QBVhil