Partner with Clockwise.MD for online check-in, appointment management, virtual queuing, and reputation management. Clockwise.MD has been proven to increase patient satisfaction, facilitate actionable marketing opportunities, and improve patient retention.\\Clockwise.MD can be customized for your specific needs and market. A typical setup includes:\ \1. Online sign-in: give your patients the convenience of booking appointments online or from their phones\2. Text and electronic communication and confirmation: prevent long, frustrating lobby waits by providing the flexibility to wait from anywhere\3. Waiting room (virtual and physical) management tools: provide transparency for both walk-ins and online schedulers\4. Staff dashboards: get a complete view of the patient experience, from start to finish\5. Operations and marketing reports: optimize clinic performance and make staffing decisions based on thorough door-to-door benchmarks \6. Patient surveys: improve your online reputation, collect immediate feedback, and encourage proactive outreach