Ben Meador

Television composer at Moore Music Company - Greensboro, NC, United States

Ben Meador's Contact Details
Moore Music Company
Ben Meador's Company Details
Moore Music Company logo, Moore Music Company contact details

Moore Music Company

Greensboro, NC, United States • 11 - 50 Employees

Moore Music Company is central NC's largest and oldest locally owned full line retail music store. Founded in 1939 by Mr. Lewis L. Moore, the store has become a landmark in Greensboro and the Triad as the go-to place for musicians both new and professional for instruments, lessons, accessories and repairs.Moore Music Company believes in the importance of music education in the development of children. To support music education, Moore Music Company provides high-quality music education, musical instruments, accessories, sheet music and repairs. Moore Music Company staff members are highly-professional, trained musicians who share a passion and commitment to music education and empowering musicians of all ages to fully achieve their musical potential. Moore Music Company is committed to being Greensboro's "go-to" place for everything related to performing music.

Details about Moore Music Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Ben Meador
Ben Meador currently works for Moore Music Company.
Ben Meador's role at Moore Music Company is Television composer.
Ben Meador's email address is *** To view Ben Meador's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ben Meador works in the Music industry.
Ben Meador's colleagues at Moore Music Company are Griff Moore, Al Stephens, Alicia Reid and others.
Ben Meador's phone number is ["3362744636"]
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