REALas provides accurate property price predictions for auctions and private sales, to save buyers' time, money and heartache.It started with a conversation between friends who were determined to give buyers more realistic price predictions to guide their bids at auctions or offers at private sales.In 2011, we set out to develop the smartest property price prediction service in Australia. An international search led us to some incredibly talented data scientists, right here in Australia, at RMIT University.Using the latest in data science, lots of property data, local market knowledge from property experts, and input from buyers we developed our proprietary algorithm.And so, REALas was born.Fast forward to today, REALas has been rigorously tested across the Australian market and predicted on hundreds of thousands of property.Nationally, on average we've predicted within 5% of the sale price over the past 12 months. And we have not stopped there. Our algorithm continues to adapt as the market changes.In 2016, ANZ acquired REALas so we can continue in our pursuit to provide the most accurate predictions in the Australian property market, and supports us in the work we do.REALas will continue to keep it real for property buyers so they don't waste their time out there.