Training, Proficiency, Diversity and Inclusion Mine Ready Development
Machine Application Operator Training Specialist (Backhoe and Hydraulic Shovel)
Mining Skills Australia is a team of coaching and mentoring professionals that is backed by over 50 years of combined mining experience. With a combination across national and expat coal and metalliferous/hard rock mining backgrounds, Minings Skills Australia is an expert supplier of training through competency-based and proficiency-based programs. The combined range of services through eLearning capabilities, via our eLearning management system -Moodle- for remote locations or a blended learning approach, which includes customising training packages are available for your business needs across the mining industry nationally & globally.International and National Mine Machinery Operators, New to Industry Trainees, Train the trainer• Operating Techniques Standardisation across all load, haul, and auxiliary fleet units.Supervision Proficiency & Understanding Training Programmes• Apply, monitor systems, methods, pit planning of surface mining. • Understanding & Conducting Load/Haul Mobile Plant operations hands-on at an efficiency level of requirement.Mines Rescue Certified Training and Auditing Services• Proactive Emergency Management integrated response and preparedness model. • Assessing your Company/site risk profile to tailor specific training program instilling confidence in your ERT teams. • Review principal hazard management, crisis management, emergency/rescue plans, aiding setup and management of high-risk, or highly hazardous jobs. Level 2, 3, 4 Emergency Response Audits• Supply of mine site paramedics• Supply of mine site Ambulance/s Legislative Intelligence & Understanding of Positive Psychology• Ensuring Supervisors and Managers understand what is expected of them for mine site compliance, and that they understand that the obligations, roles and responsibilities to ensure worksite compliance -planning daily work- navigating and interpreting specific Acts, legislation, regulations, Codes of practice.• Implementation and process unders