Best Pick Reports is your local guide to quality home service providers. Unlike other review sites and guides, we conduct actual interviews with homeowners to identify the top-rated companies in your area. From roofers to painters to plumbers and more, our free guide makes finding the best companies a breeze.No company can buy their way in to Best Pick Reports—they have to earn it. All Best Picks must maintain an A grade each year based on our proactive interviews with recent customers. Our team of researchers independently verifies all awards and certifications in addition to insurance and trade licenses. In other words, if we can't prove it, we don't print it.Because we only list a maximum of six companies in each category, you can contact any Best Pick with confidence. With over 70 service categories spanning eight metro areas, including Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Maryland, Northern Virginia, and Philadelphia, we've got home improvement covered.Though much has changed in the industry since our 1997 founding as Home Reports in Atlanta, Best Pick Reports continues to work meticulously on behalf of homeowners to demand only the best from home service contractors.