HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPOSITE LINE DOORS35 years of skillful experience and success with the high performance doors adapted to each trade, each process, each building in more than 90 countries.Nergeco Entrematic high performance doors are fitted with the fully new Intelligent Curtain® designed to help you cut energy spending up to 30% at each opening / closing cycle… How?… By reducing the exposure time each time a vehicle or person passes through!The temperature in industrial, logistics, and distribution buildings remains under control as long as the doors are closed.But the production implies coming and going of materials, products, persons... To preserve insulation against cold, heat, wind, dust, rain during in and out flow, the Nergeco high speed doors for external openings are adapted to each building and environment, up to 200m² bays. Equipped with the soft, flexible and responsive Nergeco Entrematic Intelligent Curtain they open just-in-time and close immediately, and safely.For interior openings, more Nergeco flexible high speed doors, specifically designed for each trade, protect your processes:A SOLUTION SUITED TO EACH TRADE, PROCESS AND BUILDINGWith each door specially designed to meet the specific needs of every business, Nergeco Entrematic high speed doors strengthen insulation while at the same time facilitating safe access.• EXTERNAL DOORS - to provide better insulation and reduce costs.• STANDARD INTERIOR RAPID DOORS - for greater safety and less maintenance.• DOORS FOR THE FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRY - which are easier to wash and are corrosion-free.• DOOR FOR CLEAN PROCESSES, LABORATORIES, PHARMACEUTICAL - which improve sealing while remaining fully cleanable.• DOORS FOR THE COLD CHAIN - to provide better temperature control with less maintenance.• HIGH SPEED EMERGENCY EXIT DOORS - to combine all the benefits of a Nergeco Entrematic fast acting flexible door with an emergency exit..