We chose a silhouette of an heirloom tomato to represent our team. We love the imagery of a small family heirloom vegetable garden well-tended by caring stewards. To us, an heirloom represents something that a family wants to preserve and an area in which the family works to nourish further growth. We work hard to identify these areas of importance and value for each of our clients. For some, that has been giving their children a better life through education, achieving a dignified independent retirement, traveling the world or getting involved in local community outreach. When we understand what is important to you, we can do our most meaningful work for you. We can ensure that monetary wealth is not the end goal, but rather a means to enrich, support and continue the values that make each of our clients so unique. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at heirloomadvisors@nm.com or visit our website for more information at www.heirloomadvisors.com.See important disclosures at www.heirloomadvisors.com and NM social media guidelines at https://www.northwesternmutual.com/social-media-guidelines