Benjamin Fazlic

sve at dada - Marrakesh, , Morocco

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Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Marrakesh, , Morocco • 11 - 50 Employees
Arts and Crafts

[ENG] Located in the historic heart of the Medina,DaDa is an exhibition space that will celebratethe diverse and buzzing art scene of Morocco,Africa, and the world. A creative space forartists of all kinds, DaDa will also be free andaccessible to all members of the public. Thisautumn, cultural events will begin to take placeat DaDa, as well as the opening of a rooftoprestaurant.While DaDa will still be under construction,works of three specifically commissioned artistswill be exhibited from 20-24 February 2019, inthe context of the 1-54 African ContemporaryArt Fair. As a reflection of DaDa's locationin Jemaa el-Fna, the historical and creativeepicentre of Marrakech, works by artistsMohamed El Baz, Mo Baala, and Emeka Ogbohwill provide a singular sensory experience andquestion our relationship to history and ourplace in the environment that surrounds us.[ENG] DaDa est un espace d'exposition quicélébrera, au coeur de la Médina,l'effervescence de la scène artistiqueactuelle du Maroc, de l'Afrique et dumonde. Laboratoire vivant pour lesartistes dans tous les domaines dela création, en accès gratuit et ouvertà tous les publics, DaDa offrira, dèsl'automne, des événements culturels etaccueillera un restaurant sur son toit.Du 20 au 24 février 2019, DaDa,encore en travaux, présente, dansle cadre de la foire d'art contemporain1-54 Marrakech, trois commandesconçues spécialement pour le lieu.En résonance avec la situationgéographique de DaDa, place Jemaael-Fna, épicentre historique de lacréation à Marrakech, les oeuvres desartistes Mohamed El Baz, Mo Baala etEmeka Ogboh questionnent notre relationà l'histoire et notre place dans notreenvironnement. Elles nous invitent à uneexpérience sensorielle singulière.

Details about dada
Frequently Asked Questions about Benjamin Fazlic
Benjamin Fazlic currently works for dada.
Benjamin Fazlic's role at dada is sve.
Benjamin Fazlic's email address is *** To view Benjamin Fazlic's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Benjamin Fazlic works in the Arts & Crafts industry.
Benjamin Fazlic's colleagues at dada are Jason Townes, Flekaja Flekaja, Jojo Lolo, Moleg Moleg, Naji Kaatim, Samet Kaya, Marc Ramos and others.
Benjamin Fazlic's phone number is
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