Chief Operating Officer at Asset-Backed Investing Group ABIG - Fredrikstad, Østfold, Norway
Asset-Backed Investing Group (ABIG) is a privatly owned investinggroup wich is seperated in to three divisions. Abig PE: ABIG PE is the private equity subisidary of the abig group. ABIG PE primarely invests in privatly owned companies and helps these grow. Its proparitary focus is to increase revenue and quearterly results, and achieves this by leverageing its own unique algoritmic system of fundamental business analysis.ABIG P: ABIG P is the commercial real estate subisdiary of the abig group. Its unit focuses on short term to middel term investments in commercial real estate and the housing market. Its propriratary goal is to seek out investmentopperoniities and ABIG I: ABIG I is the investing branch in the abig group. At this time, it mainly invests positive year's dividends from Abigs other subsidiary companies. It uses a fully automatic system of short term technical leveraged trading. The abig group is currently off limits for the public, and it only invites special clients to invest and to collaborate. Abig is to be opened for the public by late 2019. until then, it remains closed for public affections.