We provide affordable, reliable and efficient technologies such as water filters, Solar home lighting systems, improved cook stoves and other RE products to the people who hitherto viewed these products from a distance as un affordable especially the people at the Bottom of The Pyramid (BOP).We are also consultants on Energy and environmental issues as it relates to Climate change and development and Gender related issues.ValuesThe general guiding principles governing the activities of SOSAI is its high standard of conduct. We conduct our operations with honesty, integrity and openness. We obey the laws in the communities where we operate; we are committed to diversity in a working environment where there is mutual trust and respect, and an atmosphere where every employee feels responsible for the performance and reputation of our company. We are committed to providing products and services which consistently offer value in terms of price and quality, and are also safe for their intended use. We are committed to establishing mutually beneficial relations with our business partners and in our business dealings we expect our business partners to adhere to business principles consistent with our own. We strive to be a trusted corporate citizen and, as an integral part of society, to fulfill our responsibilities to the societies and communities in which we operate.