Wisdom of Dance provides workshops where we draw parallels between dance and life. Our students learn how to apply their experience on the dance floor to their daily life and relationships with others.This company is dedicated to journeys of self-discovery through dancing in conjunction with psychology and occupational therapy. Our aim is to help you build successful relationships with your partners, colleagues, friends, and like-minded individuals in dance and in life.Teaching dance, especially partner dance, illuminates the importance of the psychological aspect of the experience. As the participants learn to dance together, they interact with each other through their bodies. Dancing offers a communicational portal more truthful, genuine, and sincere than many other forms of interaction and activities. As they learn to dance, partners explore how to communicate better and refine their connection on and off the dance floor. There is new academic research taking place around the world right now that gathers evidence about the concepts you can discover here at WISDOM OF DANCE.