High quality railway services are critically important to the future of fast-growing cities around the world as a driver of economic development and to provide the essential mobility to support the way that citizens want to live their daily lives. Foreseeing the increasing need for highly capable railway-related professionals, the MTR Academy has been established as a global training and research hub that upholds and further develops world-class performance and creates success. Through its tailor-made training curriculum, the MTR Academy will develop railway executives and professionals in Hong Kong, the Mainland of China and around the world to drive excellence for existing railway operations, railway expansion and major infrastructure projects in the decades to come. By providing better railway service, we create better cities and improve the citizens' quality of life.Strategic Role in the Belt and Road InitiativeTo support the Belt and Road initiative, the MTR Academy aims to play a strategic role in promoting the export of Hong Kong' s professional railway industrial skills and knowledge, and further developing Hong Kong into a global transport professional services hub.