Southwest Glen Mission (SWGM), an Apartment Mission is a 501(C) 3 Non-Profit Organization, providing homework assistance and tutoring for Inner-city youth at multi-housing complexes. Many of these youths are 5 to 18 years old and are at-risk minority children living in single parent homes. Southwest Glen Mission is an all-inclusive mission. Through our program we provide Homework/Educational assistance, Literacy, Children's Reading Library, WAM ("What About Me"-health and wellness for adolescents), Nutritious snacks, and "STEM" Program. The purpose of this mission is to encourage children and their families, to engage with each other educationally, socially, and through spiritual participation. Southwest Glen Mission is an all-inclusive mission. As a result of Southwest Glen Mission involvement on site, the program participant's grades have improved, juvenile criminal activity has been reduced and gang related activities at the complex have decreased. Our overall goal is to have each apartment resident understand their purpose through sharing commonalities and their own life experiences.