Bernadette Campbell

Direct Support Professional at Devereux National - Villanova, PA, US

Bernadette Campbell's Colleagues at Devereux National
Ashley Robinson

National Learning Specialist - National Support

Contact Ashley Robinson

Lexie McClatchy

Therapeutic Staff Support

Contact Lexie McClatchy

Rachael Hartman

Primary Instructional Coordinator

Contact Rachael Hartman

View All Bernadette Campbell's Colleagues
Bernadette Campbell's Contact Details
Pottstown, Pennsylvania, United States
Devereux National
Bernadette Campbell's Company Details
Devereux National logo, Devereux National contact details

Devereux National

Villanova, PA, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees

Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health is one of the largest and most advanced behavioral healthcare organizations in the country. Informed by the latest advancements in science and medicine, we combine evidence-based interventions with compassionate family engagement to help change lives. We were founded in 1912 by special education pioneer, Helena Devereux. Today, Devereux is a national nonprofit partner for individuals, families, schools and communities, serving many of the most vulnerable members of our society in areas of autism, intellectual and developmental disabilities, specialty mental health, and child welfare.Our Mission: Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health changes lives – by unlocking and nurturing human potential in people living with emotional, behavioral or cognitive differences.Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health employs more than 7,500 staff and operates 15 centers in 13 states. We offer a comprehensive national network of clinical, therapeutic, educational, and employment programs and services that positively impact the lives of tens of thousands of children, adults – and their families – every year. Our Culture, Our ExpectationsAt Devereux, we strive to incorporate servant leadership into our culture and every aspect of our organizational framework; from the delivery of quality services to individuals served, their families, and other stakeholders to the development and empowerment of our employees. We offer challenging and exciting work, and our supportive team environment creates an empowering and positive atmosphere. To be successful in our work environment, you will put the needs of others first, and will feel called to serve, and called to lead.

Behavioral Health Services Autism Services Community-Based Programs Therapeutic Foster Care Residential Treatment Wrap Around Programs Supported Employment Child Welfare Case Managment Special Education Programs Acute Care Outpatient Services Foster Care Hospital/Clinic Psychiatric Hospitals Mental Health Care Health Care Services Hospitals Health Care
Details about Devereux National
Frequently Asked Questions about Bernadette Campbell
Bernadette Campbell currently works for Devereux National.
Bernadette Campbell's role at Devereux National is Direct Support Professional.
Bernadette Campbell's email address is *** To view Bernadette Campbell's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Bernadette Campbell works in the Schools industry.
Bernadette Campbell's colleagues at Devereux National are Khajiya Johnson, Ashley Robinson, Lexie McClatchy, Jennifer Perkins, Lindsay P., Rachael Hartman, Ibrahim Kallie and others.
Bernadette Campbell's phone number is 800-345-1292
See more information about Bernadette Campbell