Welcome to Retirepreneur, a dynamic digital learning community for executives 50-ish and older who are striving to make a smooth segue from full-time job to part-time consulting gig.Retirepreneur is for professionals with business acumen and experience in fields where demand is high, but the supply of qualified job candidates is low.Retirepreneur is for self-starters and lifelong learners, who with limited direction and coaching can advance well on their own.Retirepreneur is for executives who enjoy what they do so much, they'd love to stay engaged to some degree in their field beyond traditional retirement age.Retirepreneur is for people interested in boosting their retirement nest egg with income from a part-time consulting gig. It's also a nice bridge for those who'd like to delay social security until age 70 and increase monthly payouts over a longer span of time.Intrigued? Does this sound like YOU?If so, follow us as we share helpful insight to speed up and advance your own Retirepreneur journey.