Bernard Du

Owner at Plant Engineering Solutions - Suite 10E Mackay, N/A, AU

Bernard Du's Contact Details
Mackay, Queensland, Australia
Plant Engineering Solutions
Bernard Du's Company Details
Plant Engineering Solutions logo, Plant Engineering Solutions contact details

Plant Engineering Solutions

Suite 10E Mackay, N/A, AU • 5 - 9 Employees
Management Consulting

ABOUT OUR SERVICESAt Plant Engineering, our passion is to find the solution that will provide you with the most value when acquiring assets and then to support you in finding the asset management solutions that will help you maximise your returns. We understand the complexities of project development and construction, as well as operating/maintaining assets, and therefore have a keen appreciation of how and where value is added throughout the life cycle.When installing or adding processing capacity, the core process or process buildings require utilities such as steam, power, cooling water, fire systems, compressed and plant air, water systems and storage tanks. These utilities have a large impact on project value and lifecycle cost. As part of our drive to provide a complete solution, we offer plant utilities engineering to a level where it is truly ready for a D&C type tender. Plant Engineering Solutions have the in-house expertise to provide you with an energy efficient, practical and compliant utilities solution to complement your core process.LIFE CYCLE ENGINEERINGFront End Loading (FEL) Engineering and AdvisoryOwners Engineer during Detail DesignAsset Management SupportPLANT UTILITIES ENGINEERINGProcess EngineeringMechanical and Piping EngineeringLayout, Scope and Specification for D&C type tender

Management Consulting
Details about Plant Engineering Solutions
Frequently Asked Questions about Bernard Du
Bernard Du currently works for Plant Engineering Solutions.
Bernard Du's role at Plant Engineering Solutions is Owner.
Bernard Du's email address is *** To view Bernard Du's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Bernard Du works in the Management Consulting industry.
Bernard Du's colleagues at Plant Engineering Solutions are Bernard Toit and others.
Bernard Du's phone number is N/A
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