Partner at Athena Capital Gestão de Recursos - Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, BR
Athena Capital is a brazilian independent value-oriented asset management firm based in Rio de Janeiro, established in 2013. The company is focused on Brazilian equities strategies and was born from its partners´ desire to establish a state-of-the-art independent house with best-in- class corporate governance and investment team. Our sole activity and source of income is the active management of our own investment funds. Our investment philosophy is to always seek a very attractive ratio between risk and return. It is not our desire to pursue great returns at whatever cost, placing capital preservation as a priority. We seek whatever returns are attainable within our idea of a very limited risk, not exceeding it whatever the possible returns may be. We are Value Investors at heart and do not stray this path for short-term goals. Key team members have worked together for over a decade and built a solid track record in companies in which they not only managed investment funds, but recruited and trained entire teams. We view the ability to attract, develop and maintain exceptional personnel as of utmost importance in a brain powered business such as asset management. Although born with an experienced team, we are constantly seeking and training new talents to fulfill whatever new demands may arise. Athena Capital values excellence, ethics, and entrepreneurship. We feel it is essential to maintain a healthy and focused work environment in which professionals can truly develop their skills and work on generating highest performance for our investors and new ideas to improve the business.