Effective Waste Energy Recovery SystemUlmatec Pyro's system is designed to use as much of the engine waste heat as possible by extracting it from the exhaust and cooling water and using it to heat the water in the central heating system. With this method, engine waste heat from the ship's heat exchanger system combines seamlessly with heat from the exhaust gas economizer. In an optimal system, the fuel fired heater will only function as backup or for topping up and will very rarely be in operation, saving huge amounts of fuel and carbon emissions.Ulmatec Pyro's system extracts heat wherever it is available and balances the heat between various consumers, including the HVAC system, heating of bathrooms, cabins and living rooms, hot (potable) sanitary water, tank heating, preheating of water to the fresh water generator and heating of pool water. Heat can also be stored in thermos tanks and help to keep heat in the ship when it is docked or operating in battery mode, or used in an adsorption cooler to generate cooling. Moreover, if the ship is operating in a cold climate, the heat can be used for anti-icing on decks, railings, stairs, etc. Many ships generate so much surplus heat that it can even be used to produce electricity. All of these functions would otherwise require additional fuel, burned in an engine, with associated carbon emissions. In addition, Ulmatec Pyro's system is intelligent and will regulate itself automatically even if a vessel is moving between Arctic and tropical climates.