Mobydo. Mobility & Digital Operation-support. Control of work with AI support and visualisation in digital twins. Process and role based systems for better risk management in projects and operations. Mobydo develop and supply digital front end and back office collaboration solutions on all digital platforms. Our applications enable your people to work easier, smarter and more efficient. We deliver digital smart systems within:- Project management - Control of Work, SIMOP - Field inspections - Risk analysis and loss prevention - Incident, deviation and change management We use available digital technology in developing solutions for solving tasks that better can be solved with technology, and give people more time to do what people like to do and are best skilled to do. Increased transparency and real-time collaboration is a key to utilises employee skills, remove man made bottlenecks and generate increased profitability to your company. We have a wide networks of technology and domain expert team within AI, ML and IOT that enable us to design and deliver innovative, sustainable future-oriented solutions.