Oryx Business Solutions is a Bangalore based company engages in providing technical writing and recruitment strategies with IT and NON-IT sectors, with a single aim to provide a service level which is both professional and ethical whilst being exacting in the alignment of client requirements to candidate aspirations. Our time is invested in understanding our Client's organisation, culture and specific candidate specification. We provide technical writing services with clear and consistent documents. Technical communication services encompass a range of services which includes technical writing, user documentation, tutorials, on-line help systems and elearning modules. Our writers are trained in documentation varying from science, engineering and IT development domains. Our documents are high-quality and our deliverables are: • User manuals • Business Reference documents • Functional Specifications • White papers • Brochures • Training manual • Process documents We are dedicated to build a professional standards by providing quality services that motivates our people. We implement basic and definitive procedures and handle it with sincerity and honesty. We take all our activities with responsibility and forthrightness.