Besnik Berisha

Managing Director at Fondi Kosovar per Garanci Kreditore (Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund) - , , Kosova / Kosovo

Besnik Berisha's Contact Details
Fondi Kosovar per Garanci Kreditore (Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund)
Besnik Berisha's Company Details
Fondi Kosovar per Garanci Kreditore (Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund) logo, Fondi Kosovar per Garanci Kreditore (Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund) contact details

Fondi Kosovar per Garanci Kreditore (Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund)

, , Kosova / Kosovo • 1 - 10 Employees
Financial Services

Fondi Kosovar për Garanci Kreditore është institucion i pavarur dhe i qëndrueshëm që lëshon garanci institucioneve financiare për të mbuluar rrezikun për kreditë e ndërmarrjeve mikro, të vogla dhe të mesme (NMVM-të).FKGK-ja luan rol kryesor në lehtësimin e barrës për NMVM-të që të sigurojnë financim për rritjen e tyre. KCGF is an independent sustainable credit guarantee facility issuing portfolio loan guarantees to financial institutions to cover up to 50% of the risk for loans for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). KCGF plays a key role in facilitating MSMEs obtaining more financing for their growth.

Details about Fondi Kosovar per Garanci Kreditore (Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund)
Frequently Asked Questions about Besnik Berisha
Besnik Berisha currently works for Fondi Kosovar per Garanci Kreditore (Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund).
Besnik Berisha's role at Fondi Kosovar per Garanci Kreditore (Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund) is Managing Director.
Besnik Berisha's email address is *** To view Besnik Berisha's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Besnik Berisha works in the Financial Services industry.
Besnik Berisha's colleagues at Fondi Kosovar per Garanci Kreditore (Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund) are Kastriot Kepuska, Arta Hoxha, Vilson Ukaj, Burbuqe Guri, Jeton Rexhepi, Nora Arifi and others.
Besnik Berisha's phone number is
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