Spend your time savoring meals, not preparing them… Dinner is one of the most important parts of the day. It is time to reconnect and discuss the day's events with your family. Unfortunately, with our busy lives, it can be difficult to shop and prepare healthy meals to enjoy with your family. Entrees4U opened as a meal preparation kitchen in Raleigh in 2008. Erin Cohen started the business as a way to help families come back to the dinner table and enjoy meals at home without the stress of having to shop, chop and prep everything themselves. Erin closed her retail location to launch Entrees4U@Home. She is now creating the same wonderful meals you have come to love and enjoy in your kitchen, not hers. She brings her own pots, pans and equipment into your home and all she needs is your oven/stove, sink, countertops, refrigerator and freezer. Erin can even do all of the food shopping for you. At the end of the session, you have all the entrees without having to leave your home. For more information, visit www.entrees4u.com or email, ecohen@entrees4u.com