Environment, Health and Safety Manager at Giovanni Food Co., Inc. - Baldwinsville, NY, US
Located in Syracuse, New York, the Giovanni Food Co., Inc. has been making pasta sauces since 1934, when the DeMent Family first opened their Italian-style restaurant, and customers would ask to take the sauces home. It's a tradition that has grown in popularity throughout our 80 year history and one that reaches a broad consumer base. Today you can find our sauces on grocery store and specialty store shelves across the U.S. and abroad.Giovanni Food Co., Inc. has also built a solid reputation over the past 30 years as a leading private label manufacturer of tomato-based products. We are also the largest manufacturer of spaghetti sauce for the USDA Food for Kids Program and Needy Families Program.Our standard for providing a quality, consistent product is second to none and we continuously strive to maintain the same original flavors served in the 1930s, while continuing to develop new lines to reflect consumer tastes and current trends.Over the years we have developed several of our own brands of products. We have developed everything from traditional brands to gourmet and organic brands in order to accommodate customers' changing preferences and throughout it all we have maintained our high standards of quality.