MicroRam’s mission is to provide global supply chain solutions built on quality and value specifically tailored to our customer’s diverse needs. Our goals are to reduce total acquisition costs, shorten lead times, and mitigate risk while leveraging all sectors of the global electronics market. MicroRam offers services including global sourcing, supply chain programs, material cost reduction, inventory asset management and risk mitigation programs to provide our customers the benefit of MicroRam's Total Market Vision © service. MicroRam Electronics, Inc. operates in the open market and is not bound by any specific manufacturer's guidelines or restrictions of distribution. This enables MicroRam to expand sourcing capabilities worldwide to provide customers with options unavailable through conventional channels. With the assistance of quality-conscious organizations including MicroRam Electronics, Inc., the open market has evolved into a viable, multi-billion dollar trading community comprised of OEM's, CEM's, Brokers and Distributors. MicroRam Electronics, Inc. possesses several ongoing strategic advantages over other Independent Distributors, Franchised Distributors and Brokers. This is due to the integrity and reputation that MicroRam has built over the past 32 years throughout the industry.