Many fashion brands treat jewelry as an after-thought. We are JEWELRIFY, a brand on a mission to make fashion jewellery a norm. Why did we start JEWELRIFY? 1) We observed many retailers treat fashion jewellery as an after-thought. Fashion jewellery is one of the many products in the mix for them. We are here to change that. We believe jewellery is a woman's most loved treasure irrespective of its material cost and most companies fail to understand this aspect. 2) Fashion jewellrey is generally perceived as cheap both in terms of price and quality. We are here to bust that myth. You can wear our jewellery anywhere with pride 3) We will launch collections and not follow the herd mentality. Our first collection is going to be just bracelets. That helps us stay lazor focused as well as help us manage our packaging cost well. 4) Brands don't get built on the back of discounted products. Companies who do that face the music some day of the other like some of them are facing today. We have decided as a principle that we will not use discounts as a strategy to lure customers. Instead, our focus will be to provide more value to our customers. 5) We will not use parroted script as many other companies do when they talk to their customers. Our communication with our customers will have a tone of realism to it. This stems from personal experiences I had with several companies who never answered questions but asked everything else.