CAG's programs, education, and historic preservation make Georgetown safer, more beautiful, and more connected. Through ongoing support from members and generous donors, CAG's initiatives allow Georgetown to evolve and flourish by ensuring the integrity of its historical legacy and overall vitality.For over 100 years, CAG has fostered and supported our members and actively engaged them in our community and civic life here in Georgetown. Connectivity and action happen through the activity of our working committees, Board leadership, and dedicated support from all of our volunteer members. CAG's main initiatives include: Historic PreservationCAG brings years of experience and technical skills to bear on the intricacies of historic preservation, regulations, and enforcement. CAG provides architectural oversight for residential, commercial, recreational, and infrastructure projects. Safety and BeautificationCAG's mission includes two vital initiatives: public safety and beautification. CAG has a long history of protecting our neighborhood. One of our top priorities remains improving the quality of life in Georgetown, lessening tensions, enhancing security within the community, and fostering relationships with partners including law enforcement agencies, in order to reduce and prevent criminal activity in our community. CAG also ensures the beautification of our residential streets by planting thousands of trees.Information and Education CAG administers educational programming by hosting monthly meetings covering an array of timely topics and informs members and residents of news through multiple means, including the CAG Community Forum, Newsletter, newly launched website, and social media channels.ConnectionCAG keeps the community connected through a shared sense of citizenship and inclusion. CAG plans events, programming, and is always welcoming new members to its dynamic network of volunteers and committee members.