Fractional Chief Accessibility/Disability Officer and Founder at For All Abilities - Houston, TX, US
COMMON CLIENT CONCERNS• Disengaged employees not working to full potential• Concerns about diversity and inclusion of people with disabilities• Questions about compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)• Violations from EEOCWHAT YOU RECEIVE• Customized data that suggests free or inexpensive solutions to increase engagement of all employees • ADA training for management and employees (pre- or post-EEOC violation)• Awareness and language for issues surrounding disabilities• Recommendations for reasonable accommodations and resources for employees of all abilitiesHOW YOU BENEFIT• Improve employee productivity and reduce turnover• Avoid costly EEOC violations• Attract and retain effective employees who are empowered by working towards their strengths• Enjoy a corporate culture that reduces stigma and emphasizes inclusion of employees of all abilities