Kalypso Media Group GmbH is an independent publisher, developer and marketer of interactive entertainment software with more than 170 employees in 10 locations in Germany, England, France, Japan and the USA, including Kasedo Games, the digital label of Kalypso Media, as well as five development studios: Realmforge Studios (Dungeons series), Gaming Minds Studios (Railway Empire, Port Royale, upcoming Tropico 7), Claymore Game Studios (upcoming Commandos title) and Bulwark Studios (Warhammer 40k: Mechanicus). We are a motely crew of passionate producers, product managers, developers, game designers, marketing and communication experts, QA professionals, IT specialists, graphic and video artists, level designers, finance and sales pros and HR strategists. And we are all proud to work WHERE GAMES LIVE! Join the crew: https://www.kalypsomedia.com/jobs