Bettina Beilfuss

administrative assistant at Benchmark EnviroAnalytical - Palmetto, FL, US

Bettina Beilfuss's Contact Details
Benchmark EnviroAnalytical
Bettina Beilfuss's Company Details
Benchmark EnviroAnalytical logo, Benchmark EnviroAnalytical contact details

Benchmark EnviroAnalytical

Palmetto, FL, US • 20 - 49 Employees

BenchmarkEA has sixteen years of operational experience in analyzing water, soil and sediment. The laboratory is owner operated and consists of two laboratory facilities and thirty employees. BenchmarkEA is headquartered in a new 7000 ft2 facility located in Palmetto/Bradenton, Florida and also provides service from a facility located in North Port/Port Charlotte, Florida."Reporting results correctly the first time, on time."The laboratory is well equipped with automated instruments and data processing for analyses of weekly samples for metals, inorganics, THM's and VOC's. These analyses are routinely reported within a five working day time frame. The same analyses for special studies are typically reported within seven to nine working days. BenchmarkEA's strength is providing excellent routine service with the ability to also provide special services for the individual needs of our clients.

Waste/Recycling/Environmental Environmental Controls Environmental Services
Details about Benchmark EnviroAnalytical
Frequently Asked Questions about Bettina Beilfuss
Bettina Beilfuss currently works for Benchmark EnviroAnalytical, Inc.
Bettina Beilfuss's role at Benchmark EnviroAnalytical, Inc is administrative assistant.
Bettina Beilfuss's email address is *** To view Bettina Beilfuss's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Bettina Beilfuss works in the Environmental Services industry.
Bettina Beilfuss's colleagues at Benchmark EnviroAnalytical are Annah Jensen, Kurt Dixon, Kelsey Ulrich, Kelly Cusick, Peter Roth, Jorge S. and others.
Bettina Beilfuss's phone number is ["+19413065619","+19417472439","+18635372425","+19417239986","+14149893176","+19417485019"]
See more information about Bettina Beilfuss