Beverly Bardin

Direct Support Professional at Orange Grove Center - Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

Beverly Bardin's Contact Details
(423) 629-1451
Chattanooga,Tennessee,United States
Orange Grove Center
Beverly Bardin's Company Details
Orange Grove Center logo, Orange Grove Center contact details

Orange Grove Center

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US • 500 - 999 Employees
Social Services

Orange Grove Center, established in 1953, is a private, non-profit, community-based organization providing support services for nearly 1,200 children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Hamilton County, TN, and North Georgia. Orange Grove seeks to be a movement, not a place; seeks to be a community, not a setting; and seeks to be a practice, not a promise. We strive to insure that everyone enjoys a truly inclusive daily experience by having partners and a purpose in the greater community. Programs include: therapy services (physical, occupational, speech/language and nutritional management); residential services (including retirement homes for the aging with intellectual disabilities); adult services (community supports, personal assistance, vocational training, employment experiences and services to Georgia residents); health care services (medical and special needs dental clinics,); children’s services (exceptional education and vocational training); recycling services; art, music and dance programs; and activities to engage, stimulate and employ the meaning of living across the lifespan. Orange Grove is home to a dedicated center for innovation, the Morton J. Kent Habilitation Center, and is also on the brink of significant research relating to autism. The center has research affiliations with universities and holds faculty positions. The State of Tennessee’s Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (DIDD) names Orange Grove Center a 4-Star Award recipient for outstanding services to people with intellectual disabilities.

Autism Special Needs Children's Services Speech Therapy Exceptional Education Occupational Therapy Developmental Disabilities Community Engagement Consulting Habilitation
Details about Orange Grove Center
Frequently Asked Questions about Beverly Bardin
Beverly Bardin currently works for Orange Grove Center.
Beverly Bardin's role at Orange Grove Center is Direct Support Professional.
Beverly Bardin's email address is *** To view Beverly Bardin's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Beverly Bardin works in the Social Services industry.
Beverly Bardin's colleagues at Orange Grove Center are Marge Neely, Colletta Elder, Erik Cherry, Cecilee Dickens, Michelle Lavechia-Hildebrandt, Rachael Maciver, David Cox and others.
Beverly Bardin's phone number is (423) 629-1451
See more information about Beverly Bardin