Film Production and media Planning co. at B.S. Production - Værløse, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark
**ENGLISH TRANSLATION BELOW*Follow us on Facebook/Twitter: Production arbejder med event teknik, live streaming, kamera produktion, musik produktion og mange andre ting inden for show-branchen. Vores mål er at tilbyde en unik og professionel kvalitet i alt hvad vi laver. Vi bruger kun udstyr af højeste kvalitet for at sikre det mest tilfredsstillende resultat for dig som kunde.Hvad end det drejer sig om et enkelt arrangement, et møde der skal live streames, en turné, en produktions-kontrakt, scene-opsætning, lys, lyd eller andet, så har vi en løsning. Vi tilbyder gratis idé-udvikling og rådgivning samt et uforpligtende møde, hvor vi sammen kan finde et tilbud, der opfylder dine behov bedst muligt.Nuværende adresse - Kirke Værløsevej 40, 3500 VærløseKontakt:mail@bspro.dkwww.bspro.dkTelefon +45 42 90 90 40Telefonlinjens åbningstider:Mandag - Fredag : Kl. 8 - 18Lørdag, Søndag& : Kl. 10 - 16helligdage________________B.S. Production works with event technics, music production, live streaming, camera production and many other things within the show business. Our goal is to provide an outstanding, professional quality without compare in everything we do. Our equipment is of the highest quality to ensure the most satisfying result for you as a customer.Whether it's about a single arrangement, a meeting/a conference that you need live streamed, a tour, a music production contract, scene setup, lighting, sound or other, we have a solution. We're offering free councelling as well as a noncommittal meeting in order to create an offer that fits your needs.We are always looking for talented artists to produce. Are you walking around with an artist in your heart? Send us your demo, and we'll reach out if it catches our interest.Currently located in Denmark - Kirke Værløsevej 40, 3500 Værløse.mail@bspro.dkwww.bspro.dkPhone +45 42 90 90 40Phone hours:Monday - Friday : 8am - 18pmSaturday, Sunday: 10am - 16pmand Holidays