Convenience Advertising is the company that pioneered the use of the in-venue media space in Australia since 1984. Since this time it has become an internationally recognised medium - demonstrating tangible positive behavioural change outcomes for numerous social marketing and commercial campaigns. Placement of messages in the bathroom areas of venues enables advertisers to reach specific audience groups at the locus of engagement and/or risk with the additional benefit of uninterrupted dwell time. This powerful combination has resulted in consistently high unprompted recall (70%+) and relevance results in the 100+ independent evaluations conducted of our campaigns. Our campaigns have also been directly attributed to specific behaviour change and product sales outcomes.With the broadest range of venue sets and best national coverage, Convenience Advertising is able to identify and select the most appropriate venues by gender, age, demographic information and lifestyle factors.We pride ourselves on our ability to best identify those venues that will reach the target audience identified for a campaign, to maximise exposure to this intended audience (minimising wastage) and to go the extra mile to ensure our commercial and public health clients have confidence that their campaign will receive the same level of strategic thought and attention no matter how large or small.