Medico-Media is a Health and Wellness training & communication company dedicated to positive, proactive and preventative healthcare and wellness for all by means of seminars, print media, TV Broadcast and DVD/VCD/CDRoms. Founded by Dr Meena Shah over 20 years back, the company has grown from strength to strength. Some key facts:Conducted over 3000 customized corporate health training for executives, women, workers, shift workers and moreProduced 50+ videos (VCD/DVD) on various health topicsAppeared in hundreds of TV Shows in India and Globally (ETV, TV9, ZeeTV, Careworld etc)Conducted Trainings for Nurses and Doctors for Antenatal careConducted Seminars for over 20,000 people in the wake of devastating earthquake of 2001 in Gujarat A full list of activites can be found at