Digital marketing expert at Touchstone Educationals Pvt. Ltd - Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India
Established in 1998, Touchstone Educationals is now the biggest and the best IELTS training institution of India. Touchstone is a team of 1000 members, with 32 elite campuses across 3 states. The BCD has rated Touchstone Educationals as its Top Partner in Punjab, North India, and India, for the year 2017-18. Touchstone has also won the Global achievers award, 2017-18. IDP has bestowed India's number 1 IELTS partner award on Touchstone for 9 consecutive years. Touchstone Educationals is the first IELTS institute which Cambridge University Press chose as its official knowledge partner. Touchstone is a member of the following international entities:Association of Australian Education Representatives in India (A.A.E.R.I). Association of International Educators (N.A.F.S.A). Canadian Indian Education Council (C.I.E.C).