Customer Care Representative at MTEL CRNA GORA - Podgorica, Podgorica Municipality, Montenegro
MTEL company was granted a licence for the third telecom operator in Montenegro in April 2007. The structure of m:tel owners is the following: 51% belongs to Telekom Srbija and 49% to Telecom of the Republic of Srpska. Upon receiving a license to operate a mobile phone network, the most modern mobile network was built, within the period of only 77 days. MTEL company was recapitalized with the value of 40 million Euros in February 2010, and its value is about 140 million Euros, along with the initial investment. Mission of MTEL company is to become a significant telecom operator, recognized not only for its quality service, affordable prices, friendly, open relationship with its customers, but also for its leading role in introducing new technologies and services. Key values of our company are commitment, trust and innovation. Employees are strategic resource of our company. The importance of professional and well-organized team has been recognized as a key factor of success. There are about 500 employees in our company. The network commenced commercial operations on 9 July 2007 and 18 branches have been opened in 14 cities of Montenegro so far. Even though MTEL is the youngest mobile operator in Montenegro, it has expanded the points of sale system to the extent of having the largest number of retail checkpoints. In just six months, m:tel has won a quarter of the mobile telephony market, and today has about 34.50% of mobile telephony users, with over 98% mobile telephone signal coverage in the populated territory. Market share in the part of multimedia services (television, Internet, fixed telephony) is: 42.60% for Internet, 37.18% for television and 36.90% for fixed telephony. As a socially responsible company, MTEL wants to participate actively in the daily progress of the Montenegrin society, contributing to the development of the community, therefore the company provides special support for social, cultural, educational, health and sports programs and initiative