Flatirons Business Management, LLC (FBM) is an accounting and business services firm located in Lafayette, Colorado. FBM provides accounting services for emerging businesses that do not need full time in-house accounting personnel, or need interim back-office support and financial guidance.FBM is dedicated to understanding the challenges faced by small businesses. Every day you manage suppliers, inventory, employees, schedules, leases, equipment, and of course customers. You are good at the things that you do, but accounting may not be one of them. The complexities of accounting and financial management can be outsourced to FBM, allowing you to focus on your core competencies.Contact Flatirons Business Management at 720-381-7242 or bill.cuddy@flatironsbusiness.com.Services include: Financial Statements, General Accounting, Cash Management, Billing, Collections, Payables, Audit Support, Budgets, Fraud Prevention, Statistical Analysis. How would FBM know where to start?We would meet and discuss your needs. These needs might be specific and limited, or they might be wider in scope and open-ended. The service(s) provided by FBM may evolve over time. Unless otherwise requested, the accounting software to be utilized will be QuickBooks Online.Benefits of Using QuickBooks Online• The company data can be accessed from multiple platforms, PC or Mac.• Access to data from multiple devices, browser, or tablet. QuickBooks Online mobile access is included with QuickBooks Online subscriptions at no additional cost.• Users can access data from anywhere at any time; users in different locations can easily work in the company at the same time – no reason to transfer files back and forth.• All the data is hosted, backed up, and secured by Intuit/QuickBooks servers.