Precision Services, Inc. a group of organizations that work collaboratively to offer a comprehensive list of services to help you run your small business. According to 2018 statistics, 99.5% of Colorado businesses were classified as small businesses who combined provided 1.1 Million jobs in our communities. We recognize the importance of these businesses on our economic growth and development! So we developed what we believe will be a innovative solution for small businesses - the ability to save time, lower costs, and receive reliable expert opinions by all your business professionals under one roof. We provide assistance in new business registration, commercial insurance and bonding, bookkeeping services, payroll, LegalShield and IDShield memberships, and marketing services. From providing education on tasks you choose to do on your own, connecting you to local resources to help you with running your business, or providing you with the most unique and comprehensive outsourcing services available - Precision Services, Inc. will be your trusted partner along the way!