In January of 2016, 21-year old Will Ellermets founded Battle of the Gains (aka BOTG or Gains). BOTG's mission and message to other young people: Change your Life. Change your Community. Change the World. Everyone is fighting their own battle to be free from their past, to live in the present and create a meaningful future for themselves. The idea behind his brainstorm was to involve communities in bolstering mental, physical and spiritual health- especially among young people in the age 15-25 crowd. Ellermets pulled together community leaders, college and high school students to launch the Gains movement last year.Through interactive community sporting events, health seminars and small groups, Battle of the Gains aims to guide a global community in promoting physical, mental and spiritual health so that our target audience will manage life's challenges more optimistically. Battle of the Gains provides activities and events to stem rising suicide and homicide rates among America youth by replacing hopelessness with hope through physical, mental and spiritual gains.