A behaviour & brand strategy consultancy, which loves all kinds of behaviour/brand problems. Whether it is the end-consumer, influencer, sales force motivation issues, communication issues, perception change issues, getting your HR team to incorporate your brand vision based KPI's into the evaluation system etc;. We feign over brand & behavioural problems. Un-tooling: Too many tools in the world. One tool does not fit all – hence we do bespoke. Custom built solutions and approaches for unique problems. It's painful for us, but fruitful too. Strategy be-spoke always.Wolfzhowl anthem: Our inspiration to self & to others: http://www.slideshare.net/ChallapalliKalyanRam/wolfzhowl-anthem-1Some of our strategic provocations: http://www.slideshare.net/ChallapalliKalyanRamRegions we currently are doing strategy-projects for:India, United Kingdom, Singapore (ASEAN) & a few WIP.Palette of services:1. Crafting a brand vision with differentiation & helping marketers bring it alive.2. Digital behaviour decoding to help digital address marketing & business tasks rather than be a cool thing to do or an after-thought to ATL. Input strategy for digital agencies across social media & CRM.3. Help SME's & Marketers run Annual Operating Plans and marketing programs. Helping marketers influence "influencers/in-betweeners", communication crafting,4. Help set-up and train strategic thought process within a marketing organisation and help place consumer at the core of what they do. "Internal-belief" management strategies.5. Partnering creative communication boutiques.6. Provocation Workshops.7. Socio-cultural orientation into the Indian psyche and hypothesis-based provocations around your brand/category as the first step to your India, market-entry, brand-rejuvenation strategies.