Discover the Social Media RECIPE that generates shares, likes and comments to grow your business.Did you know that each of your Social Media sites is your digital front door.Most business owners are seduced by social media. They believe the hype and claims that all their future customers are on Facebook or Instagram and are ready to buy.So its inevitable, with all that hype, when business owners start posting to their social media accounts they expect to see an influx of new customers.Sadly within days if not weeks they see no one is sharing, liking or following their posts!The phone doesn't ring and nobody messages them asking for a quote or more information. Because all that hype is blatantly false...the reality is almost nobody goes to their social media sites looking for a business to buy from.Social Media is the media for Social Communication. Of course, throw in a few requests for recommendations of the best place to buy a product or service and that is social media in a nutshell.So why should anybody bother posting to their social media sites with the expectation of getting new customers when they get no results?Because with the right R.E.C.I.P.E. every business can build a following, create real interaction to drive enquiries and ultimately sales and profits.A R.E.C.I.P.E. that talks directly to people's emotions. It makes them laugh, creates discussion and builds interaction in ways that is all about the customer and not about you or your business only.Your unique R.E.C.I.P.E. is developed specifically for your business to tap into people's emotions, create discussion and interaction while at the same time building followers and shares across one or two, maybe ten or even twenty social media sites.Imagine the impact your business could have in your local area or industry. Contact us today to discover how to turn the R.E.C.I.P.E. on in your business.