Product Data Lake is a cloud service for sharing product information (product data syndication) in the business ecosystems of manufacturers, distributors / wholesalers, merchants, marketplaces and large end users of product information.As a manufacturer of goods and brand owner or distributor our service will free you from applying many different solutions to providing product information to your re-sellers. You will avoid errors. You will be able to automate the processes and you will be easy to do business with in the eyes of your trading partners.As a wholesaler, merchant, dealer and retailer you will have complete product information in front of your customers when they make the buying decision. You will also be able to manage a broader product range. That way your product information will transform into a powerful weapon in the quest for winning more online market share.As a Product Information Management (PIM) professional, service provider or tool vendor you can support your clients in being successful with PIM and stretch your services to your clients trading partners.At Product Data Lake we work with emerging technologies. Our ongoing road map takes us from using big data approaches into (Industrial) Internet of Things (Industry 4.0 / IIot / IoT), Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI).Our vision is that Product Data Lake will be the process driven key service for exchanging any sort of product information within business ecosystems all over the world, with the aim of optimally assist self-service purchase of every kind of product.Our mission is to enable automated cross company data supply chains for product data by using technology that handles large volumes of product data and related digital assets, with the velocity needed for changing business environments and encompassing the variety of international, national, industry and other standards for product information.