Tunnel Expert -NATM(Geotechnical) under NF Railways at Geoconsult India - Gurugram, Haryana, India
Established in 1973, Geoconsult is a private and independent consulting engineering group serving private enterprises and government authorities around the world in all fi elds of civil engineering and geosciences. Over the years, Geoconsult has grown into a company with more than 400 employees, with offices and/or representatives in Austria, Germany, the Slovak Republic, Romania, India, Singapore, Argentina and Chile. Although mainly known for achievements in underground works, Geoconsult offers the full range of modern construction engineering services.The company provides services in the disciplines of civil, structural and geotechnical engineering, soil and rockmechanics, geology, hydrogeology, hydrology, geodesy, geoinformation and environmental engineering. Special fields of experience include soil treatment, foundation engineering, electro/mechanical design, geotechnical instrumentation and computer sciences. Geoconsult is also routinely involved in research and developmentefforts, both on practical and theoretical levels.Geoconsult's permanent staff is recruited from different countries and from a wide variety of specialised disciplines. This diversity is reflected in the company's comprehensive approach to project assignments.Through its successful engagement in more than 4000 projects in over 50 countries, Geoconsult has earned a high reputation and is recognized as a reliable, efficient and flexible professional partner by its clients.