purchase and admin manager at Oscar Security & Fire Service - Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India
Oscar & its sister concern have more than a decade of relevant experience in managing private security for Indian government's highly sensitive industrial installations like massive petrol depots, nuclear power plant, telecom tower infrastructure, thermal power plant and many more.With that in private sector it has been managing and consulting on fire safety, security and preventive surveillance like Industrial production units, Infrastructure/construction companies, Hospitals, Hotels, School/Collage.One of our greatest test was providing outer parameter security and traffic management for one of private functions which Current Prime Minister of India attended.As each instillation has its own sets of needs and wants which Oscar has been catering to, with high effectiveness and efficiency. Oscar philosophy is to treat security, safety and preventive surveillance for its customers as being an apparatus for "PEACE OF MIND 24 hrs/7 days".To do so, Oscar has maintained excellent mix of Ex-Indian Army, Ex-Local State Police and civilian team which has keen and well regimented understanding of security issues, threats and weeding out odd person or underlying potential accidents and negative events. With that it has regular field and class room training for its all non ex-Army/Police staff.